Zino Nicaragua Cigars
Zino Nicaragua Cigars
ZINO NICARAGUA CIGAR - There’s some serious unwavering attention to quality which makes a Zino cigar rise high above your everyday smoke.
Some people are happy being A to B. Steady as she goes, straight line, don’t get distracted, get where you’re aiming for. And some people want the whole A to Z via anywhere they like the look of. Their minds and their doors are open. Who knows what the day or night might bring? Or what opportunities life might throw their way. That was how Zino Davidoff rolled. And that’s why the cigars rolled in his name suit the spirit of discovery. He let the winds blow him anywhere in the search of the best tobaccos. Like the horizon-wide and original blend from Nicaragua, Honduras, Ecuador and the Dominican Republic which fills these cigars. But some things are not left to chance. The consistency of Zino cigars. Life, for some people, is best followed in those twisting spirals. Wherever your ‘A’ is to begin with and wherever your Z might turn out to be,wherever your life takes you, take a Zinomade by Davidoff for the ride.
The medium to full-bodied Zino Nicaragua Cigar is available in three formats that offer distinctive aromas of cedar wood, coffee and fresh spices. All cigar formats have the same blend but the experience differs in the way the cigar is rolled.
The lowest prices are at Slippery Rock Cigars, Your Neighborhood Cigar Shop on the Net
25 count boxes
Available sizes:
Robusto 5 x 54, Toro 6 x 50, Short Torpedo 4 x 52