ROMEO by Romeo y Julieta
ROMEO by Romeo y Julieta Cigars
ROMEO BY ROMEO Y JULIETA CIGARS - For generations, Romeo y Julieta has been revered for its consistently excellent, milder cigars. Now Romeo by Romeo y Julieta is adding a twist to the well-known story. Romeo is a bold and robust cigar unlike any Romeo y Julieta to come before it.
Made with the rarest and finest tobaccos carefully selected and delicately aged, Romeo cigars are meticulously crafted by a special team of the most accomplished artisans at the famed Tabacalera de García factory. The Select Dark Ecuadorian Habano wrapper is handpicked for its dark, rich color and robust taste. The slightly sweet Dominican Olor binder works harmoniously with the bold wrapper, and the unique filler blend of Dominican Piloto and Olor tobaccos completes this wonderfully complex full-bodied cigar that culminates in an unforgettable smoking experience.
The passion burns within, now brighter than ever.
20 count box
Available sizes:
Churchill: 7 x 56, Magnum: 6 x 60
Piramides 6 1/8 x 52, Robusto: 5 x 54,
Toro; 6 x 54
Available at Slippery Rock Cigars