Nub Nuance
Nub Nuance Cigars
Nub Nuance Single Roast Cigars - Cappuccino utilizes the flavor of crushed vanilla bean and notes of cedar and has Connecticut shade wrapper and premium long filler tobaccos. This cigar is a perfect complement to any cup of light to medium roast coffee with a hint of natural sugar and cream.
Nub Nuance Double Roast Cigars - Macchiato, utilizes the flavor or milk chocolate, Sumatra wrapper and premium long filler tobaccos to give this cigar a smooth rich flavor. This cigar complements an espresso roast coffee with a pinch of sugar and a dash of frothy steamed milk.
Nub Nuance Triple Roast Cigars - Espresso utilizes the flavor of dark Cacao, a Sumatra wrapper, and premium long filler tobaccos to give this cigar a robust yet sweet flavor. This cigar complements an espresso roast coffee with a pinch of sugar.
Available sizes:
3 3/4 x 54, 4 x 38, 4 x 60