Montecristo 1935 Anniversary
Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua Cigars
MONTECRISTO 1935 ANNIVERSARY NICARAGUA CIGARS - Celebrating 85 Legendary Years of Montecristo with a first-ever, tribute blend of the iconic cigar that started it all.
The first Montecristo cigar was handcrafted in 1935 using a signature blend of tobaccos that has become the standard by which the brand still lives up to today. Now, 85 years later, tobacco and blending powerhouses Grupo De Maestros, Rafael Nodal and AJ Fernandez transport us back to that iconic moment in history with a first-ever interpretation of the original blend that made Montecristo the icon it is today.
A luxury showcase from seed to smoke, celebrating the 85th Anniversary of Montecristo. The Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua is presented as a soft-pressed series of four luxury sizes that combines classic craftsmanship and the finest tobaccos the Nicaragua region has to offer.
MONTECRISTO 1935 ANNIVERSARY EDICION DIAMANTE - TREASURES FROM THE EARTH Synonymous with superior quality and fine craftsmanship, Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Edición Diamante is a treasure unearthed. Handmade in Nicaragua at the world-renowned Tabacalera AJ Fernandez, the Edición Diamante cigars are confirmed to meet the highest quality standards before public release. An exquisite cigar crafted to please the sophisticated palates of aficionados in search of the finest premium cigar experience the earth has to offer.
Much like the creation of a precious diamond, the tobaccos used in the Edición Diamante are finely honed after being harvested. The pristine Nicaraguan wrappers are conditioned, graded, and selected for a second fermentation. This “Second Fermentation” acts to further even out and develop the color of the tobacco wrapper and eliminates any potential rawness, accounting for much of the Edición Diamante’s sweet, smooth, and polished rich flavor.
The best prices are at Slippery Rock Cigars, Your Neighborhood Cigar Shop on the Net