
Parodi Cigars
PARODI CIGARS - Parodi cigars are produced in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Originating in 1896, these distinctive, dry-cured cigars use only tobaccos grown in Tennessee and Kentucky.
Unlike a lot of cigars made in USA, Parodi doesn’t use a homogenized binder in its cigars. Each and every cigar is made of natural tobaccos.
Nothing yet invented has been able to replace the fine flavor of choice tobaccos and Available at Slippery Rock Cigars.
Available sizes:
Ammezzati: 3 1/2 x 34,     Parodi Ammezzati XL (economy): 3 ¾ x 34,     
Kings: 4 ½ x 37


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Parodi Ammezzati 20/5

Parodi Ammezzati 20/5

$132.00 $82.95

Parodi Kings 10/5

Parodi Kings 10/5

$76.00 $49.99

Parodi Kings Cigars Box

Parodi Kings Cigars Box

$76.00 $49.99

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 ALL FIRST ORDERS must be shipped to the billing address corresponding with the payment method used. 




Slippery Rock Cigars, 278 Cameron Drive, Slippery Rock, PA 16057 - 724-234-2439
Butler Cigars & Smoking Lounge, 363 Pittsburgh Road, Butler PA 16002 - 724-256-4422
Slippery Rock Cigars doesn’t sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21 and doesn’t sell cigarettes or smokeless tobacco of any kind. If you are under the age of 21 exit this site immediately!
Upon placing an order, purchaser agrees to be responsible for complying with all local, state and federal laws and regulations, including but not limited to their purchase, transportation, delivery, any required fees and compliance with all applicable laws. 
Sales Taxes Remittance of any taxes on orders shipped outside of Pennsylvania is the responsibility of the purchaser.
For more information click here:
SURGEON GENERAL WARNINGThis product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.
Copyright Slippery Rock Cigars LLC 2004 – 2024





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