La Aroma de Cuba Pasion
La Aroma de Cuba Pasión Cigars
LA AROMA DE CUBA PASION CIGARS - Award-winning father-and-son cigar-makers José ‘Pepin’ and Jaime Garcia blend a masterful Nicaraguan Puro from the finest premium tobaccos grown on prized family estates in Estelí, Jalapa, and Namanji.
Pasión boasts a stunning Shade Grown wrapper from the celebrated fields of Namanji, where tobacco plants thrive in a unique microclimate 18 miles east of Estelí. The Garcias recognized the region’s untapped potential more than a decade ago. Warm days, cool nights, and fertile black soils produce tobaccos of exceptional flavor, quality, and aroma. Today, over one-third of the private 300-acre estate is dedicated to Shade Grown wrapper on plots shielded from direct sunlight and nourished by the basin’s snaking river.
Every leaf of wrapper, binder, and filler harvested for Pasión undergoes a meticulous Triple Fermentation with respect to traditional methods. Profound notes of smoked cashew, leather, cedar, and molasses layer the palate with an extravagant spice and a medium to full-bodied finish. Savor a shining specimen of Garcia family terroir guided by an unwavering dedication to growing, aging, and blending the finest tobaccos in the world.
TASTING NOTES: Smoked Cashew, Cedar, Leather, Molasses, Spice
25 count box
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Available Sizes:
Corona Gorda: 5 5/8 x 46, Churchill: 7 x 49, Encanto: 6x 60
Marveloso: 6 x 52, Robusto 5 1/2 x 50, Box-Pressed Torpedo 6 1/8 x 54.
Corona Gorda: 5 5/8 x 46, Churchill: 7 x 49, Encanto: 6x 60
Marveloso: 6 x 52, Robusto 5 1/2 x 50, Box-Pressed Torpedo 6 1/8 x 54.