Gato Negro Toro Cigars
GATO NEGRO CIGARS - The Gato Negro cigar, crafted with a rich blend of high-quality tobaccos, features a Mexican San Andrés wrapper, Dominican Olor binder, and a filler mix of Nicaraguan Estelí and Dominican Criollo 98 tobaccos. This blend is being released as a 6 x 48 box-pressed grand corona, the sole vitola in this initial release. Manufactured at Tabacalera Las Lavas S.R.L. in the Dominican Republic, a factory renowned for producing Casa Cuevas cigars.
Drew Nicastro, co-founder of Gato Negro Cigars, emphasized the brand's commitment to quality, innovation, and tradition, describing the cigar as a luxurious and sophisticated experience.
Established in 2022 by Drew Nicastro its President and a family member he affectionately called “Uncle Pete” after they attended a cigar convention together. Drew began to learn about the history of Pete and his families troubling past, when he was a young child while living in Communist Cuba. Before the Castro régime his father owned a store called “El Gato Negro” (The Black Cat). The store sold a little bit of everything, including cigars. The communist party along with Fidel Castro came in and took their business, home and car and most importantly their freedom. They eventually fled their home in Cuba, legally to America with nothing other that the opportunity to achieve the American dream. They wanted to honor Pete’s father nicknamed “Perucho” and his legacy and this is how the idea of Gato Negro Cigars was born.
Over a cigar and a conversation the Drew and Pete bonded and on that night and Pete was quoted as saying a phase that began their cigar journey. This phase has since become our slogan, “Cuban by birth and American by the grace of God.”
Country: Dominican Republic
Filler: Nicaraguan (Estelí), Criollo 98 (Dominican)
Binder: Olor (Dominican)
Wrapper: San Andreas (Mexican)
Strength: Full
Quantity: 10
Size: Toro 6 x 48
Product Code: Gato Negro Toro Cigars