CAO Cameroon
CAO Cameroon Cigars
CAO CAMEROON CIGARS - CAO L’Anniversaire Cameroon is counted among an elite group of non-Cuban cigars to have received a rating of 92 or higher by Cigar Aficionado. The uniqueness of this cigar is the impressive balance it achieves between the sweetness of its Cameroon wrapper and the earthy, richness of its pure Nicaraguan blend.
There are many reasons why Cigar Aficionado rated CAO Cameroon a 92, but chief among them is its remarkable balance. The sweet Cameroon wrapper and rich, earthy Nicaraguan blend of this top rated cigar are like yin and yang and sun and moon—they were just made to work together.
Buy NOW at at Slippery Rock Cigars.
20 count boxes
Available Sizes:
Belicoso: 6 x 54, Churchill: 6 7/8 x 48,
Robusto: 5 x 50, Toro: 5 1/2 x 55